“All these kids want and need is love!”

General Impression

Overall Rating:    10 / 10

Volunteering in Peru for 3.5 months was one of the most intimidating but best decisions I’ve ever made. Cusco surpassed my expectations in many ways; it was way safer and developed than I anticipated, the country has a variety of spectacular terrains to see (mountains, desert, ocean, jungle…often felt like I walked into a Pinterest board), and I never felt alone because of all the awesome volunteers from across the globe. My host family was attentive to my needs and vastly improved my Spanish despite studying it in university. LV always answered my questions or assisted when I needed it. But most of all, the kids at the orphanage were incredible; kind, hilarious, and playful. I would recommend to anyone volunteering at the orphanage to stay for minimum two months. This allowed me to develop a good rapport with the kids and learn all 50 kids names and personalities! Picture entering the orphanage each day and the kids running out screaming your name in excitement. :) I was never a kid-person, but they taught me to be silly, freely affectionate, and a good role model. I’m laid-back, but I quickly became comfortable initiating activities using my own niche of assets (tutoring, health, math, drawing) to entertain or educate them. There were a wide range of ages (0-19yrs) and I encourage volunteers to interact with (and benefit from!) every age. Sometimes the older kids were neglected the attention they really needed, but they were also some of the coolest kids I’ve met! In the end, what all these kids want and need is love; we are all capable of that! :)